Saturday, June 04, 2005


In light of some things that have been going on for months, via the massive amounts of harrassment I received from Mivius in EQ2... ie, telling me it was my fault, etc, for everything that went wrong in the guild and calling me filthy names.
I decided to completely cut off all ties to him, and that included canceling my subscription to SWG.
I don't currently have the time to really play more than one MMO anyway at this time, since I just joined a really great raiding guild on Grobb.
Feel free to look at my EQ2 blogs and check out what I've been up to, as I will be updateing them more frequently.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

combat revamp

Well they finally did the big combat revamp. I must admit, I haven't really been on since it happened. I logged on a bit before I went away for the weekend, and re-spec'd. I dropped my ID(
But if I didn't drop it, I would've never had a way to get the combat skill up so high in elite professions. Combat xp is now harder and slower a grind than before. I've been spending so much time with the Andre and the kids, that I didn't log in for the double xp week.
Miv had warned me, and told me to come.. but I was too busy(

They changed all the armor. Now I look kinda scary i guess lol

I heard Gala went back and is playing now on his server. Wow..
Well, it looks very different in some ways, but the same visually. I'm wondering how the game mechanics will look. I guess only time will tell...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Private lap dance Posted by Hello

2... Posted by Hello

3... Posted by Hello

dancing onstage with some other artsy folks i met Posted by Hello

id me.. been playing with image design, this is what i looked like today Posted by Hello

yes i have this weird fixation with taking pix of me dead.. cant help it i look hot hehe Posted by Hello

Friday, April 08, 2005

and so it starts...

Started playing SWG with John (aka Mivius) from EQ2... Right now I'm doing Image Designer just to mess with my looks and my stats but I'm thinking I may drop it later after I get the badge. Was thinking about doing TKM/bounty hunter but you can't master TKA out and do it so I may just do TKM and Dancer.
Took a few hot screenies of me dancing for Miv in some outfits this guy gave me.

Man do I love being a non-ugly girl in an MMO...

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